
Everything Else!

The entryway. This area of the home often becomes a catchall. This is where purses, shoes, coats, and backpacks tend to accumulate. Before you know it, this area becomes cluttered and chaotic. Whether or not you have closets, cabinets, or coat hangers, we can come up with creative solutions to make this space functional and clutter free.

The living room. This is where you and your family gather to watch TV, chat, read, and wind down from the busy day. It can also become a playroom if you have small children. Because of all the activity that happens in this space, it can easily become overrun with toys, books, blankets, remotes, and so much more. That’s why it’s important to find storage solutions that work for the whole family in this room. I can help you get creative in finding ways to keep this space a comfortable and clutter free haven for everyone.

The kitchen. This is one of the busiest areas of the home. Preparing meals is so much easier when you have an organized system for all of your gadgets, cookware, appliances, and ingredients. Whether your kitchen is small or spacious, it can still become a source of stress when you can’t easily find what you need when you need it. Let me help you take inventory of your kitchen space and come up with a plan to make cooking effortless and mealtime enjoyable.

The bathroom. Oh, the dreaded bathroom! Another hot spot in the home that can quickly become disorganized and cluttered. Let’s make the space where you spend your time preparing for the day work at peak performance so that you can too.

The bedroom. This room should be the sanctuary of your home. When your bedroom is clean, clutter free, and cozy, you can sleep easy and wake up feeling refreshed and ready for another day. Even if your room is small with little closet space or storage, there are solutions that can work to create a calm, peaceful, and comfy room where you can relax and recharge.

And more! The office, the pantry, the playroom, or any other area of your home that needs the help of an organizing professional who is understanding, compassionate, non-judgemental, and super excited to help you create a house that you’re happy to go home to. So what do you say…Let’s Get Fresh!


Are you facing a new phase of life? Are you an empty nester? Recently divorced or married? Reaching retirement? Or any life event that requires changing the spaces in your current or new home? Maybe you’re dealing with your elderly parents’ home and their belongings. Any life event that requires changing the spaces in your home or the home of a loved one can be an overwhelming task to conquer alone. One of the most difficult tasks of downsizing is making decisions on what to do with all of the items that you’ve collected over the years that may not necessarily fit into your changing lifestyle. Let me be your support system while you work through the process of letting go or finding a new home for those treasures, whether that be a new spot in your home, or gifted or donated for someone new to love. The item may be gone, but the memories last forever!


If I’m being honest, closets are my favorite space to organize! The reason I love closets so much is because I love clothes and fashion. My friends often come to me for advice when they are trying to put together an outfit for a special occasion or just trying to decide if something looks stylish. If you struggle with making your wardrobe work for your lifestyle, let me help you establish a system that makes it simple to get dressed every day and walk out the door feeling your best. While organizing your closet, we’ll work together to not only make your clothing easily accessible and your space functional, we’ll style your pieces together to make dressing for the day fun and easy!

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Set up an initial phone consultation today and let’s chat about how Linen and Lime can help you create a functional and fresh home! No commitment, just conversation!